VA: Teen Girl Sent Teen Boy 5 Inappropriate Pictures. He Faced Lifetime Registry as a ‘Violent Sex Offender’ or 350 Years in Jail.

Zachary, now 19, is in jail awaiting sentencing for five pictures his teenage girlfriend sent him of herself in her underwear. He faced a choice between a possible (though unlikely) maximum sentence of 350 years in prison, or lifetime on the sex offender registry as a “sexually violent offender”—even though he never met the girl in person. Here’s what happened. Full Article

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OH GOOD GRIEF! There is no more common sense in this Country, anymore.

This country is lost! God help us!

How is it possible to not be outraged about this? Why is this not national news? Could we send this as a news tip to local news stations?

Just shows how crazy the laws and the lawyers have gotten in responding to fast-paced internet, social media, sexting, etc.
It’s time to put an end to all of this insanity. What this kid did certainly shouldn’t put him on a registry as a violent sex offender. The prosecuters should be ashamed of themselves!

yeah all these types of cases need to be documented and included in any briefs showing the irrationality and absurdly overzealousness of the legislative bodies. these types of cases epitomizes the purpose and intent of the legislators to further their personal agendas or cater to their colleagues or constituents and has nothing to do with public safety…

Can someone explain to me why, in the midst of how ridiculous this whole case is and for all the similar cases, I have yet to see a single person call for either a governor or the president to pardon these kids. That should tell you that most people, even those who say they are with us, have at least a little suspicion that these kids belong on a registry. Most of these kids, and most of the adults who are still suffering because of juvenile cases such as Graves in TX, should be getting pardons so they are able to live their lives and that seems to be their only chances to do so.

America uses that advertising slogan “Land of the Free” but that is just that…a slogan with no truth behind it.

We have a larger percentage of our population locked up (that is not free) than another other country.

We are a nation afraid of SEX. We are repressed and those who express themselves are very often punished for it. In many cases for life!

We need to get rid of the registry on a national level. IML is a farce and Obama screwed us as one of his final acts in power. Thanks so much for that BTW

Pardon 1000 actual criminals and leave us to rot. Yes, I will remember Obama fondly…

American’s are such prudes! We are an embarrassment to the human race.

They just handed this kid a Lifetime Death Sentence.
Three Cheers for Justice… that I mean three middle finger emojis.
I can see keeping a close watch on certain individuals that pose a credible threat to society, but not every person caught up in this web has a criminal mentality. If someone needs mental help, then that should be the focus of the system not simply throw them in jail, force them to register, wait…., then re-arrest them when they can’t find a place to live, work, survive. Just one more thing that shows our system is broken.
It’s fine when Pampers has a commercial of a baby in a diaper and millions of ppl watching, but some kid gets a pic of a teen in her underwear and now he’s a pervert and a threat???
I Believe in Justice, you break the law you better be ready to pay the price.
But the punishment should always fit the crime. A Felony will ruin a persons life, a Strike will ruin a persons life and amplify any wrong step they ever make EVER, And being on a Registry will guarantee a person struggles to survive for the rest of their Life.